This morning Iwas thinking about the conversation I had with my nephew last night. It was exciting and I found his strong faith in Jesus and the scriptures very contageous. What was it that caused my spirit to ignite with excitement? It wasn't interest in his church or belief. It was his love for our Lord. He was so on fire about the importance of knowing and having Jesus in our daily lives and I agreed with him. It was so fantastic sharing the faith and belief in the bible with another Christian. Now, he would say, "Aunt Cathie it is the Holy Ghost speaking to you." And perhaps he would be correct. I have had messages given to me in many different ways. All I know is that I felt his excitement for Jesus and was enjoying it tremendously. I was even ready to go visit the church denomination he belonged to! I wanted to be around other believers who were as excited and as strong as he was in his faith, in his love for Jesus and what he did for me.
Then, on the way to work I was struck with an awesome realization. It is not so much the church I attend that fills me up with excitement and encouragement, it is talking and sharing about Jesus with a fellow believer. Any believer, no matter their denominational belief. So it isn't the church denomination that catches my interest, it is the enthusiasm.
This got me thinking some more. And then it hit me, "Church is Like a Box of Chocolates." So many denominations with so many different beliefs. You just don't know what you are going to hear. Sometimes like last night, it is contageous and uplifting, other times it is dull or judgemental. But it is still part of the same box. You may not like what you get inside, but it doesn't change the fact that it is still in the same box. Jesus is the wrapping around that box, the church I see the box as the church, Jesus' church, and the different kinds of chocolates are us, the different denominations,believers. All different kinds, but all still God's children. What an image.
When and if we can accept one another not for the denomination or church we belong to, but because we believe and hope in the same God; what a movement we could start up in this world! It would be like opening up a box of chocolates and just accepting that there will be some we don't like or agree with, and others we will absolutely love and agree with; but either way, they all belong in that one box. And only the one who has given us the wonderful, delicious box of chocolates can decide and judge who will be with Him in eternity. Like the chocolates, we can only guess what is on the other side. Heaven or Hell. Cream filled or Carmel. All we have to do is open the box and take a bite!!
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