Each morning for the past month I ask my Creator to reveal him/herself to me. To open my eyes so I can see him. Yesterday I saw the most beautiful eagle; it was close enough for me to see his wingspan so wide and his red head. He soared above so magnificently. Then this morning I left earlier than usual for my morning walk before work and came upon the mother deer who comes each year. I had to walk slowly to the other side of the road so she would know we were not going to harm her. That was a great sign of the Creator. So I open my eyes and become willing to look for the signs of a power that is big enough to create these animals that simply live each day as they were created to live and minding their own business. These innocent animals do intentionally set out to destroy your garden, they are simply seeking out food. You know, the food source we destroy every time we tear up the earth to build new buildings, homes and dirt bike trails.
When I see small things like this deer, it brings me a sense of being a part of creation in a very spiritual way. Just look at the colors in the flowers. They are natural. They are not colored by human hands, they grow naturally, just the way they are made to. All things in our universe was created perfectly. Created in a way to enhance our lives and bring us close to the spiritual energy that brought life to this planet. A power or God if you wish that created nature in a way to sustain life in a natural way, in a manner that did not need destruction or the touch of man's greedy way of life.
But as we humans evolve we change the natural order of things. We have somehow come to believe we are the ones with the power. We do not need the animals that are apart of the natural order of things. And with this false belief we are destroying the very things that sustain our being. The human race has become their own god. There are those who believe themselves to have the power to do as they please at the cost of lives and living things, including the innocent people who struggle each day to just want to live a simple life without destruction or fear of the corporations and their power to take away our source of living. The people with power do not care about nature or animals or the 'little people's needs, they are too consumed with power and making more money.
It hurts me every time I drive by a wooded area, a mountain side or open spaces and see it being torn up to build homes or shopping centers. Knowing for a fact there are millions of empty, perfectly good houses people could move into without destroying more earth. Yet they want their own home, a new better home. And so we dig up more earth, we destroy the food and water source for the wild animals and we kill off the very existence of what sustains the earth which in turn sustains us. But don't listen to me; I am just a small person with little knowledge about the corporate world. I am just an animal lover, a lover of nature who wishes she could do something to stop the materialistic growth going on all around me. Is there no wonder we cannot find God? A Creator?
I cannot help myself from thinking about the small creatures who have homes in these woods and open areas. Creatures that will have to scurry to find new places to get their food source and build homes. Animals like the deer I saw and mountain lions we read about that coming down from the mountains and getting closer to humans; people are scared and want them killed. Yet did they not move into animal territory? Isn't it funny and contradictory to move into the mountains then complain because an elk is in your yard eating your flowers? Or complaining about Mountain lions coming into your property attacking your chickens or small dogs and wanting them killed, come on now, who was living there first? Whose territory did you move into? These wild animals are only doing what they were born to do, hunt for food. Every animal, insect and living things in nature has a purpose. We don't have to understand or know what it is, we only have to accept they are part of the eco system that we depend on for our own survival.
If we study and watch the animal kingdom we see something we can learn if we are willing to be honest, humble and less greedy. Animals do not kill because they are angry, they kill to eat or protect their territory. Animals do not destroy the earth that sustains their food source. There is a peacefulness watching how they go about life simply taking only what they need to survive and no more. And yet we call ourselves the smarter species because God created us as so. Really?
I resent that I am at the mercy of corporations and insurance companies that tell me what I can have or not have depending on my age. I resent that CEO's sit behind big offices making decisions on how to get richer at the expense of our animal kingdom and ourselves as well! These organizations care only about making more money and gaining more power. How it is effecting the natural order of things, the natural order of what was perfectly created and put together is utterly ridiculous. And yet what can I do about it? I am just a lower class woman who lives pay check to pay check. I do not have the means to protect the wild life and natural habitats that these big corporations are destroying. Who would listen to a housewife with no knowledge of the big corporate world.
I find myself some days finding it difficult to believe in a God of creation. When I find this happening it is usually because I have become more focused on what we are destroying and the material world more than on nature and the true creation. My focus is on the worldly events that are out of my control instead of on what is around me here, in my small world, my neighborhood and then I miss the beauty around me like the deer or the eagle. So then I then I know it is time to take a ride to the mountains where human beings have not yet touched or destroyed the trees and wild life and my faith is restored. My belief that a Creator bigger than the human race exists. We are just hiding it with buildings and material greed. My focus is returned to nature and off worldly matters and things I have no control over. I am able for just a while to "Let Go and Let God" as they say.
So I have returned to my morning prayer as some may call it; I prefer to see it as a conversation with a Higher Power who does not need a name. I ask each day to see what is important. And I ask for the courage to do whatever it is I can no matter how small it may be. Like taking a walk at lunch time and feeding the horses an apple or just sitting on the bench watching the innocent children in the park enjoying the moment, not concerned with the future or yet filled with greed for more 'things" and before I realize it my spirit is restored, my faith is returned, even if for just a short time. But I have to make the time, sacrifice things like sitting in front of the t.v. or playing games on the computer to see the life I was created to see. Perhaps one day I will fulfill a dream of sketching the beauty in our world. Perhaps our Creator will bring me the gift to draw what he/she wants me to see. Or perhaps I will be blessed with a mentor who can help me expand on my writing. Teach me to express what it is I am trying to say in a more professional way. Like the day I saved that skunk with the yogurt cup stuck on his nose. Oh to be able to draw that!
So now, as I come to close and get ready to sleep, I will think about the deer I came upon and smile. I will thank my Creator for showing me his beautiful art. And when I wake up, I will once again ask for my eyes to be opened to the world around me, the little world I live in and see the beauty around me. I will think about ways to rid this little world of the stupid, evil people who live under the false pretense that animals are nothing more than nuisance and get into their gardens. I will fantasize about using my BB gun. Don't worry, it would just be a short fantasy. I wouldn't actually go through with it; that would only make me a part of the very world I want to escape from.
So, if you are reading this and feel strongly about saving our animal kingdom, the mountains and open spaces around us, please respond and let me know how you do your small part to help. I know not to feed the wild animals and yet feel compelled to do something to give back to nature what the big corporations and people of power are taking away. What small act do you do to make yourself feel more a part of creation?
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