Sunday, April 10, 2011

Where is God Among the Noise?

I did not go to church this morning. Partly due to my chronic back problem that seems to flare up more these days, but more because I cannot hear God's voice amongst all that noise. I find myself wanting more and more to just stay put in bed and read scripture and talk to God quietly. Church is a great social gathering and I do love seeing those I have come to love very much; however that is not what I wish for my "church" to consist of.

Of late I have asked myself; what do I really have in common with these folks aside from believing in Christ? Even there our beliefs are different in some respects. But here at home I lay in my bed or on the couch when my husband is gone, and I can hear God's still voice within. I can focus my mind on the scriptures I am reading and I can quietly speak to God about my praises and concerns. He has become such a good friend and yet also remains All Powerful and all Knowing. Not one I would mess with if you get my meaning.

The times I feel the closest to God are when it is early morning or late at night and everyone is asleep. I can hear the birds and feel the breeze and that to me is God's love. He touches my face softly through the breeze. He speaks kindly and with joy through the birds chirping. I see a Robin building a nest and I think, "God takes care of my needs in the same loving way."  Sometimes when I am just sitting somewhere and my thoughts drift to God I can actually envision this huge angel standing behind me and I feel protected. God is telling me, I am with you.

Yes, God is all around me when I am willing to take the time to be quiet and reflective. When I am willing to open my spirit to God's spirit the connection betwen us is made and I am empowered with love and peace. My only regret is that I do not have this all of the time. That is what I truly seek. To have peace and joy no matter the circumstances around me. To be at peace even when surrounded by people running about and talking loud, playing their music all around me, would be true spirituality. It is no wonder we God's spirit  \is not as strong and real to us as days long ago; we have replaced him with loud, impersonal technology and have encouraged our kids to do so by buying them these toys they absolutely "must have." We have surrounded ourselves, our beings with technology and slowly eased God out of our lives. So what change can I make to overcome these worldly interferences?

I will continue to strive for more peace, more quiet time. I will push myself to be willing to get up earlier (yeah right), or stay up later (more realistic), to spend time connecting with God; spirit to spirit. I will not expect much at the beginning of this new way of life, but it is obtainable, this I believe.

Perhaps this is why I yearn so strongly for quietness in my life. I don't want to drown out God. I do not want to distract my thoughts with t.v.; radio or loud groups of people. Ha! It would be more conducive to my spiritual maturity and interest to sit down with a few people and discuss the words of Jesus or other great spiritual writer and how it can and does impact our personal lives. Not what do the words mean; but how do the words effect us on a human level in our daly lives. I sometimes get so focused on how I want to be a good "Christian" that I forget it is the spirit within, God's spirit that I need to focus on. I love this spiritual quest; it keeps me yearning to know God better and practice his presence more.

Another thing I will strive towards is to use the word "I" less in my blogs!!!! Ok, now back to my classical music and knitting. Two other things that keep me at peace and in God's presence.


  1. You're saying aloud what I turn over in my head constantly!

  2. I am glad. We always think we are alone in our thoughts and doubts regarding our belief or faith and we are not. I hope you will continue to comment and encourage my growth in this spiritual journey. YOU ARE NOT ALONE MY FRIEND!!
